

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Gander Lake’s B24 Liberator Crash Update

We have been in contact with Tony Merkle about an update on his progress lately in his attempt to recover the B24 that crashed in Gander Lake during WWII . He advises us the project is still ongoing. There was a delay with the archaeology permit but that is to be resolved shortly. He had to put the project aside this summer due to personal work commitments. He hopes to resume searching later this fall. He advised he is getting  good feedback from the pilot's son who turned 72 this year. It looks like later attempts at dragging with grapnels may have sent the plane down over the steep slope into much deeper water. This was from an attempted salvage operation carried out by the military shortly after the crash.  Tony  has re-equipped himself with much better underwater video equipment which will aid in his search. We hope to follow this project as it progresses.

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