

Monday, June 29, 2015

OK523 Memorial Unveiled June 27

An excellent day and an excellent turn out. The weather was a little chilly but it was dry. The unveiling ceremony was conducted by the Right Rev. Dr. Marion Pardy and the unveiling by Alena Zimova, a survivor. The GIAA did a commendable job from constructing the memorial site, preparing the area with appropriate seating/facilities, transportation from parking area and hosting a social for everyone after in the International Lounge at the terminal. Brian Hicks and Stephen Burbridge should take a bow for this. The ATV trailway is in excellent condition making it a very nice 1.5 km walk for pedestrians. Got to https://twitter.com/GahsYQX for more photos

1 comment:

Pavel Vik said...

To your article "OK523 Crash Memorial", I would have love to know about this event beforehand so that I could attend. It would have meant a lot to me since one of the pilots on this flight was my father, I remember taking him to the airport in Prague for his flight. I have been living in White Rock, BC since 1970 and working at Vancouver Airport YVR till my retirement two months ago. Tried to find out what happened through Transport Canada, but result was "CAUSE UNKNOWN".

Pavel Vik