
Sunday, December 7, 2014
A Survivor's Story
As we related earlier last fall, Alena Zimova returned to Gander after 47 years since her survival of the fatal crash of OK523, in order to visit the crash site and meet some of the people that were responsible for her survival. Downhome magazine reporter, Ms Ashley Colombe, was in Gander to record her visit . Her interview with Alena was published in the November issue of the Downhome magazine. They have kindly permitted us to link to their website where their article on Alena’s visit is located. Reading the article certainly will show how important this visit was to Ms. Zimova. We hope to have this article posted on our website in the near future.
Friday, December 5, 2014
Voices In The Wind
Jean (Edwards) Stacey, a former resident of Gander, is about to launch her new book Voices In The Wind: A History of Gander, Newfoundland. On Friday, Dec 12 she will be giving a reading at the Gander Public Library from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM. Another reading will be given on Saturday, Dec 13 at the Bookworm, in the Gander Mall, from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM. The book will be available for sale at $22.95. We here at GAHS had some minor involvement with this book by contributing several of the photos used in relating this history. We are sure this will be an interesting read as well as making an excellent gift, not only for Christmas but for any occasion.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Christmas at the Newfoundland Airport 1939
Jim Strong has sent along some old Christmas cards that his father had kept over the period of time. We have posted them on our website for nostalgic viewing . Christmas cards from a new airport in a strange location must have been received with some curiosity with a world war in its infancy. The cards were not as colourful with the greetings or elaborate artwork we are now accustomed with. Maybe the war was a factor or the Christmas card had yet to evolve as we know it today. Another record of history in the making.