Happy Birthday Gander Airport

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Happy Birthday
The airport in Gander is celebrating a big milestone — marking 75 years of operations today.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
GIA Facebook
If you go to the Gander International Airport Facebook page, there is a very nice compliment made about our website dated Oct 15. It is encouraging to get these nice ‘pat on the back’ comments and we certainly do appreciate them. It is a privilege and honour to be apart of the historical aviation community.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Airport Tour For A New York Student
Just to keep everyone up to date, our website keeps gaining attraction internationally. Just recently we received email from a young lady in New York (city) who is seeking her Masters degree and is studying the history of Decorative Arts and Design. She is writing a paper on Gander’s International Airport and particularly the role of the lounge during the post World War II travel boom of the mid fifties into the mid sixties. She has asked for our help in providing her with historical information about this subject. She will be arriving in Gander on Dec 1 to tour the Airport Lounge and we have been invited to attend by the Gander International Airport Authority. In addition we plan on a visit to the old terminal building plus to the old admin building site, the original terminal. We will be represented by Rick Stead, our Secretary. Just goes to show how much Gander Airport is known through out the world.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Air Travel, Back In Time
If anyone is interested what air travel was like back in the ‘old’ days, have a look at the picture gallery shown in a British newspaper recently. Although the photos are those of British Airways or of its parental airlines, they do show just how the aviation world grew. I am sure there are a few pictures like these out there floating around of the old airport in Gander. Keep looking in those old shoe boxes. Thanks to George Innes for this item.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Lancaster Bomber
There are only 2 Lancaster Bombers remaining in the world that are still flying. One maintained by the RAF and the other by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. Mike Mcanany sent us this link a few months ago which is posted on our website in the WWII Era. This is a video of a Lancaster flight taken over southern Ontario. Please take note of the restrictive accommodations aboard this aircraft. Also note the tail gunner's location on the aircraft at the start of the video. Vic Batston, who was a tail gunner on a Lanc during the war, said that once you got into the aircraft before take off, you were there all alone until you returned. If you had to bailout, you released the canopy which dropped away and you followed it. Because of limited space, smaller built men were recruited for this position. No protection, only plexiglass and no way out only via parachute. There were not many tail gunner survivors. Very chilling. Take a look at the video and enjoy the flight
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Bon Fire Night
Happy Guy Fawkes night to everyone. Does anyone still remember that “Gert Big Bon Fire we had down on the Army side” way back when? A celebration held by everyone in Nfld., not only in Gander, and lots of devilment amongst us kids. This was a night bigger than Halloween except for the candy but we had roast potatoes! If you you could get close enough to the fire.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Aircraft Accidents & Incidents
We just finished posting a piece about Airplane Accident & Incidents at Gander during the war and up to 1960. We thank Bob Pelley for the research and hard work he did in gathering all this data. From this information we noticed there is a record (Item 2.5) of a RCAF B24 crashing and sinking in Gander Lake on Sept 18, 1944. Well Tony, she is down there so go and get her. I am sure the North Atlantic Aviation Museum will be following these events with great interest.