
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Festival of Flight
Aaah July. The weather a has been just great here in the Gander area making us all here just a bit lazy and too relaxed but we have not forgotten our viewers out there. A reminder to everyone The Festival of Flight will be celebrated on Gander Day, as usual, on Aug 1st to the 5th. An insert in the Gander Beacon gives a full schedule of events plus some comments from the organizers of this event. Gander Day has been celebrated with aviation as it's principal venue since it's original inception. We are confident that Councillor Gerry Parrott and his group will do a bang up job. Make sure you all get out and enjoy yourselves. Remember, the word 'Aviation' includes Gander in it's history and that is what we celebrate.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Hockey in Gander
Just received an interesting email from Doug Wheeler about the history of senior hockey in Gander . Hockey played a significant role as a source of entertainment during the early years in the airport town. Doug's website also covers the history of senior hockey in Nfld as well and is worth while visiting. One of the hangers on the American Side was converted into an arena with natural ice. We would really like to get some old photos of this building if there are any available out there. For the information of all, we will be making Doug's website available from the GAHS website