
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Feel Free to Contribute
Collecting old photos or items of historical value is always important in keeping our website interesting and informative. We are also interested in obtaining personal experiences about living in the old airport town. Our resources are limited so therefore we depend on our viewers to send us along anything they feel would be important in portraying the history of the airport. Photos having people in them are okay because in a lot of cases there is a building involved in the background or a particular area that would be of interest. We are sure there are many out there who have something of value for us. Just send it along to our website's mailing address gahs.webster@gmail.com . Even a brief comment about life in old Gander for our blog would assist. We look forward to hearing from you.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
VIP Visits at Gander
We just posted an interesting article about an unknown visit by the Queen in 1953 . The strategic position of Gander Airport as a refuelling stop led to untold visits by VIP and celebraties during this pre-jet aviation era. Doug Shepard, in an interview some years ago, related his experience having given a ride to Frank Sinatra to the Eaton's store where he bought a gift for his baby daughter Nancy. These are just a few examples of 'sightings' of VIPs that passed through the airport. The terminal in those days was an exciting place to visit. You would never know who you would see.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Posting Comments
Just some information for those who wish to post comments. Unfortunately we do not accept comments from anonymous individuals. Recently we have had to reject comments from those who chose not to include their identity. This is our policy and we must abide by it. We are not able to edit the Identity area but we will attempt to assist in showing an example.
Just your 'Name' is OK, the URL is not necessary. Anything other than the 'Name/URL' being filled in will not be accepted.
Your comments and suggestions are important to us.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Video clips
To view some interesting video clips from the early years of commercial aviation we would recommend that browsing the enormous library of YouTube can lead to some rare treasures. We would like to show some examples.
This is from a 1941 news reel during WWII. Ferry Command was a top secret military operation and Gander Airport which was associated with this operation was not to be identified.
The second clip is from a TWA promotion about the Super Constellation aircraft which was a familiar sight at Gander Airport during the late 1940s and early 1950s.
There are quite a few very good videos on YouTube that will let you get a glimpse of aviation in this era. If anyone finds something interesting be sure to lets us know so we can pass it along.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Gander Beacon
We sometime forget an important entity in recording the history of Gander Airport we have been reading on our website. The
Gander Beacon has been documenting this history through interviews with some of
the pioneers of Gander Airport on how it all started, how they lived, right up
to the present day, for the past 50 plus years. They annually compiled these
stories in special editions published
for the Gander Day celebration each year and have graciously agreed to permit
us to reprint these articles. We owe the Gander Beacon a debt of gratitude for
their efforts. Our hats are off to the Gander Beacon.