

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rianna wins 1st place

As a follow up to our previous item, Rianna Hickey writes  telling everyone she has won 1st place with the project we assisted on;

Hi, this is Rianna again.  I thought i should tell you that my project got 1st place at the heritage fair and now I go to the regionals in st. john's  May 3rd.  Thanks for your help!   If you have anything you think I should include please let me know.  Thanks.  I'm sending a picture so you can see.

Way to go Rianna. Glad to have helped.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Thank you Rianna

We received email this weekend from Rianna Hickey, a Grade 6 student from Whitbourne Elementary School, requesting our assistance by providing help with her Newfoundland Heritage project . Apparently her school does not have wireless internet and was unable to show the rescue pictures for her Sabena Airplane Crash project. We provided her with photos in time for her to complete her project making her a very happy little girl.  Please read her letter of thanks posted in the Visitors Comments from the link in the left column. It is very refreshing indeed and we appreciate it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Gander

Gander Airport is celebrating it's 75th anniversary this year. This was not intentional but this website coincidentally started up this year and we hope to contribute to this celebration. Any stories or photos anyone would like to pass along will be appreciated. We will report any information on these events as they become available. One on our main initiatives of the GAHS will be to have a model of the airport and all its buildings constructed as it appeared in the early 1950s.

Airport town of Gander - 1939

Friday, April 12, 2013

Hudson Bomber

The Hudson Bomber certainly could not be compared to the ‘B17-Flying Fortress’ yet this tiny bomber’s importance was significant in being the first military aircraft ferried from North America to Great Britain during WWII giving birth to RAF Ferry Command and putting Gander Airport on aviation’s world map. Two video’s that tell this story are available at www.amazon.ca  for those interested, entitled ‘Above and Beyond’, a CBC docudrama filmed in Gander and a PBS documentary ‘Flying the Secret Sky’. I am sure there are more videos available dealing with this subject but these videos are certainly worth watching.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Nfld. Ensign

The flag raising ceremony at Gander Airport in 1949 mentions the first time the Canadian Ensign was officialy raised at the airport. Does anyone remember what ensign it was replacing? 

Newfoundland Ensign